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To receive important alerts and updates from Gold Coast Primary Health Network, please submit the form below.
The UCC operates separately from the general practice and is open from 8am until 10pm daily, including public holidays.
Note: Patients are asked to arrive before 9.30pm so there is time to be seen before the clinic closes at 10pm.
The Gold Coast Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (UCC) provides acute episodic care and treatment that does not require a hospital admission. This may include:
The Gold Coast Medicare UCC won’t be able to see people for major trauma or complex conditions. There is an agreed escalation pathway in place with the Gold Coast University Hospital Emergency Department. There are limited MBS items accessible at the Medicare UCC and should the presentation not require urgent care, patients will be referred back to their GP for further assessment and management.
Yes, if the issue is an urgent care matter as outlined above you can provide patients with the contact details of the Gold Coast Medicare UCC. However, patients do not need a referral to attend the Medicare UCC.
No. There are limited MBS items that patients can access at the Medicare UCC and the patient’s usual GP is still the first point of contact for non-emergency, routine and preventative health care. The Gold Coast Medicare UCC won’t be able to see people for things like chronic disease management or preventive health procedures such as cervical screening tests. A patient attending the Medicare UCC for non-emergency, routine or preventative health care will be referred back to their nominated usual GP.
Yes. Any patient attending the UCC will have a discharge summary issued. The summary will be:
If electronic transfer is not possible or the patient does not name a usual GP, the patient will be given a hard copy of the discharge summary.
The Medicare UCC will also advise the patient’s nominated usual GP of any test results.
Yes, the Gold Coast Medicare UCC will have arrangements in place with diagnostic imaging and laboratory-based pathology services in the same building as the Medicare UCC. There is also a pharmacy open until 10pm nightly.
The Gold Coast Medicare UCC will provide urgent health care with no out-of-pocket costs for patients. Any diagnostic services, such as radiology and pathology, will also be provided with no out-of-pocket costs for Medicare card holders.
A communications campaign will help people identify the right place to go for care, depending on their condition and the level of care required. Refer to the simple traffic light system (pictured below), which outlines the right place to go for care depending on their condition and the level of care needed.
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